about me

Cristina is an Earth Angel, Intuitive Healer, Death Doula, and much more. 

She was born in Moldova and transplanted to the USA in 2006, her life purpose is to help people to heal. She became a nurse in the hopes to help the world and worked in every type of nursing specialty, including hospice nursing where she helped people to pass to the energetic realms.

Her difficult life situations led her on a passionate quest for the past 10 years of deep angelic healing, energy, and bodywork and she learned from the top people in the game such as Belinda Womack, Tony Robbins, and Joe Dispenza, Louise Hay, Gabriele Bernstein, and many others.

The quest for healing is a lifelong journey, but, there comes a point when the student must become the teacher, the time for me is now. I am so excited that you are here, thank you so much, I am honored to serve and help you.

The Angels have helped to transform my whole being, and I know that they can help you as well, they have the power to heal our whole lives, to transform any old pattern, heal toxic relationship patterns, release old wounds, old perceptions, and beliefs about ourselves and our capacity and evolve us to a whole new dimension of our being.

I welcome you with open arms, I hope that by reading my story, watching the videos I channel, reading the blogs, or by buying and using any resource that we provide, we bring you much value, I hope that you feel important and valuable when you leave any interaction with me. I send you much love and hope to see you soon.

Who am I and How I work:

earth - angel

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intuitive healer

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death doula

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Much Love
Cristina & The Angels.
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