work with me

My intention through my work is to help empathic healers to understand their power and to see how wonderful and amazing they are and to help them alchemize their purpose here on earth by becoming the most authentic version of you. 

Do you feel misunderstood by others, alone, isolated, and that you do not belong?

Do you feel constantly exhausted, burned out by life, and never have enough energy for yourself? 

Do you need help speaking up for your needs and not letting people walk all over you?

Are you sensitive, empathic, and love to help humanity but have difficulty showing the same love to yourself?

Do you forget about yourself and your needs or don’t even know what your needs are?

Do you have high awareness and have always been the caretaker of your family and loved ones/are you the person everyone goes to for advice?

Do you struggle with setting boundaries?

Are you struggling with a health issue?

My unique methodology

While working in the hospital and hospice environment as a Registered Nurse, I learned how to use both the science and my intuition to guide humans to the root of any issue they are having. 

I am a great diagnostician and can help you to uncover the why behind your suffering. 

This approach works well as many humans struggle with not knowing what is causing a problem. By going to the root, we will uncover the real issue and be able to heal it quickly and effectively. 

In working with the Angels, Spirit Guides, the universe, mother father God, the inner child and the loved ones who have passed on, we are able to access the spirit world which is vast, filled with answers and all knowing. 

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, the spirit world is here to assist and guide us on our path. When we allow their assistance and help to show us the way, we open up to a world of infinite answers that is beyond human understanding. 

1:1 Session $150

Work with Cristina by Booking 1 Session 


I am an Intuitive Healer and provides Intuitive Counseling via 1:1 Sessions. 

During the sessions you will receive intuitive guidance, answers, and love from the Angelic Realm via zoom.You will receive energetic healing, the release of old past traumas, feel supported and guided, and receive the help that you need.

The sessions are 60 minutes, via Zoom. 

The sessions will be recorded and the recording will be emailed to you after the session.

What a session feels like: In working with many clients and patients I learned that I work best when we have a conversation. During our session , I will ask you questions based on what I am receiving from my Angels and Guides, it will be a back and forth conversation. You do not need to prepare for the sessions.

Please note: I do not predict the future.

Disclaimer: I do not offer medical advice or work under my Registered Nurse license. 

Imagine a life where you are

  • Being confident in yourself, your abilities and speaking it to the world 
  • Having enough energy to live life on your own terms
  • Receiving the great abundance from the universe that you desire 
  • Attracting the perfect mate for you in this life 
  • Feeling whole, complete and healthy 
  • Feeling beautiful inside and out 
  • Having the confidence to ask for what you need in relationships and ending any relationships that do not serve you 
  • Having the freedom to create your dream life
  • You stop self- abandoning yourself and take great care of your body, mind and spirit

1 Month mentorship program $300

Join our Exclusive Mentorship Program- work 1:1 with Cristina and the Angels for a period of 1 month to receive healing in every form and transform your life.

This program includes:  

2 1:1 Sessions over Zoom spaced 2 weeks apart

Recordings of the Sessions

Homework assigned to you after the Session

In between Sessions Contact/Support via Email 

Frequently Asked Questions

I understand your concern, if you were led here in some interesting way, then I know that the universe placed us in each other’s path for a reason, nothing happens by accident. I ask that you set the intention and ask your higher self for a sign “Is this for me, thank you for showing me in a way that I understand”. 

If you do not have the sufficient funds to work with me but you feel strongly called to and desire in your heart to do this. Please ask your Angels, Guides, and your higher self to bring the funds into your reality. You can do this easily by setting the intention/affirm: Thank you, thank you, thank you angels and guides, little divine inner child (state your name ), divine mother/ father god /universe for bringing into my life $200 for this session at the perfect time. I accept and I receive it.

 I understand that this may be a concern to many humans who are used to paying little or nothing for things in life. Although it can feel terrifying to pay this amount of money for some, the universe works on abundance and openness, and when you invest this money into yourself, your power, healing, and joy, you will be rewarded greatly and every penny will bring you forth a thousand or more. Every time I questioned if I should spend the money on a product or service for my spiritual growth and my development, I always took the opportunity to spend the money, and this has always paid back to me. As my mentor, Sage Lavine stated in a video “Part of the reason why you receive a bigger transformation is because you invested in yourself, when people pay, they pay attention”. The price is set for a reason, the energetic exchange in the sessions is great for Cristina and she needs to charge accordingly, although, I appreciate that some people may desire to book a session if I lower the prices, I am not allowed to do this and choose to only work with people who desire to pay me. Thank you so much for understanding the process.

Please come un-inhibited to the sessions, well rested, not on an empty stomach, and come in a good state of mind. You do not need to prepare anything, just come open and willing to receive the guidance that will come through. Trust and receive. If you desire, you can write down several questions or topics and we will try our best to focus on those.

If this is the case, then I ask you to email me a request and we can accommodate you to another date and time. However, please note that this is not guaranteed and only will be given to you if there are available sessions open. 

Please note that I have a specific capacity for how many sessions I do in a week to ensure that every session is a beautiful, sacred journey and that you receive me at my best and highest vibration, which will influence all of my work. I need recuperation time in between sessions to cleanse my aura, refill my cups and recharge all of my energetic batteries. Although I appreciate you so much for desiring to work with me, I ask that you trust the timing of when a session opens up, and when you are ready for this work, everything works out in our best interest. If you do not desire to wait for when a session opens up, I understand, please find another healing artist/intuitive worker who best fits your needs and schedule and I thank you for being here.

I work primarily through Zoom because it is easiest to record the sessions, as I have a membership through them. The Zoom app is easy and free to install on any device, or you can use the Internet to access the zoom call as well. However, I make certain exceptions when it comes to people who are unable to get zoom, do not have computer/smartphone access, or do not know how to do it and choose not to learn due to valid reasons, we can do the sessions via telephone in this case or other applications, however, due to this, we may not be able to record the session. I thank you for understanding the process. 

I have been doing this spiritual/self-help work for the past 10 years, I invested and worked with many therapists, healers, and intuitive guides, this is one of the reasons one of the main reasons why I am so passionate about doing this work and love it so much. When I worked with several people, I learned that they record their 1:1 sessions and then they would email them to me. To this day, I cherish those recordings so much, at times I feel called to re-listen to them even years later and I still find much value and comfort in the lessons and teachings from them. The sessions are recorded because all of the information is channeled through me, most likely things will get forgotten, it is always good practice to re-listen to the session before booking another one and possibly more than once to fully receive the healing and activation from the session and to make sure to get the full benefits.

If you have any other questions, concerns, or desires please email us a request at

I look forward to working with you, I send you much Love

Cristina & The Angels.
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